Nourishing complete wet cat food, with lots of lamb & chicken and enriched with salmon oil & taurine. It is completely grain-free and easy to digest, no soya or lactose. Available in cans & trays.
Rosie's Farm Adult Farmer's Hash with Lamb & Chicken is a complete wet cat food, lovingly made with 40% chicken and 30% lamb, and enriched with nutritious salmon oil and taurine.Analytical constituents
protein | 10.8 % |
fat | 6.2 % |
fibre | 0.3 % |
ash | 2.3 % |
moisture | 80.0 % |
Cat's weight | Daily amount Indoor & sterilised cats |
Daily amount Active cats |
2kg | 85 - 120g | 160g |
3kg | 110 -160g | 215g |
4kg | 135 - 195g | 260g |
5kg | 155 - 235g | 300g |
6kg | 175 - 255g | 340g |
7kg | 195 - 280g | 375g |
Cat's weight | Daily amount Indoor & sterilised cats |
Daily amount Active cats |
2kg | 80 - 120g | 155g |
3kg | 105 -155g | 205g |
4kg | 130 - 185g | 250g |
5kg | 150 - 215g | 290g |
6kg | 170 - 245g | 325g |
7kg | 190 - 270g | 365g |