Delectable grain-free dry dog food, made with 30% fresh lamb, rounded off with herbs & salmon oil. Just like the food you make at home, there are no nasty chemical additives, fillers or flavour enhancers.
Rosie’s Farm Shepherd's Pie with Lamb adult dry dog food is lovingly made with lots of protein-rich fresh meat and seasonal vegetables. We believe that your dog deserves to enjoy properly natural food, so Rosie’s Farm meals contain only top-quality meat – no rendered meat meal or other nasties.Analytical constituents
protein | 22.0 % |
fat | 12.0 % |
fibre | 3.2 % |
ash | 7.0 % |
calcium | 1.3 % |
phosphorus | 0.9 % |
sodium | 0.35 % |
omega-3 fats | 0.8 % |
omega-6 fats | 1.5 % |
Dog's weight in kg | Daily amount in g |
3kg | 60 - 85g |
5kg | 90 - 120g |
10kg | 150 - 205g |
15kg | 205 - 280g |
20kg | 255 - 345g |
30kg | 345 - 470g |
40kg | 425 - 580g |
50kg | 505 - 690g |
60kg | 575 - 790g |
70kg | 645 - 885g |