Complete, wholesome dry dog food made with natural Scottish salmon combined with nutritious sweet potato, peas and herbs in a grain-free recipe approved by vets.
Barking Heads All Hounder Hair Necessities Salmon is a delicious dry dog food made with 100% natural Scottish salmon, in a grain-free recipe that provides your adult dog with everything it needs for health and wellbeing. This dish is approved by vets and helps to keep your dog's skin and coat in top condition.Analytical constituents
protein | 22.0 % |
fat | 16.0 % |
fibre | 3.0 % |
ash | 7.0 % |
moisture | 8.0 % |
omega-3 fats | 2.1 % |
omega-6 fats | 3.1 % |
Dog's Weight | Food Amount (g/day) |
10-15kg | 165 - 230 |
15-20kg | 230 - 280 |
20-25kg | 280 - 335 |
25-30kg | 335 - 385 |
30-35kg | 385 - 430 |
35-40kg | 430 - 475 |
Please note that the above are only guidelines. Actual feeding amounts depend on your dog's age, activity levels and other individual circumstances. Monitor your dog's weight and adjust feeding amounts as required. Account for the calories from treats. Divide into portions for feeding throughout the day. Please check with your vet that your dog is at their correct healthy weight.
When introducing your dog to Barking Heads food, replace 25% of their existing food every other day, until they are eating 100% .
Fresh water should be provided at all times. Store in a cool and dry place.