Please read the ingredients list - this food is not what it seems :(
I had been feeding this to my beloved pets believing a vet approved science plan must be fantastic for them and I was providing the best diet for them.
Out of interest, after a couple of months of feeding them this, I casually read the ingredients not thinking too much about it. I was horrified to learn the the top 5 main ingredients include maize, rice and corn gluten. These are cheap fillers used in inferior foods, have no nutritional value and are not even digestible by cats. I shudder to think of the health implications.
One ingredient is called 'digest' which sounded weird so I googled it. A concentrated liquid sprayed into the food to make it taste better and get them hooked. When I read this I stopped feeding it instantly!
Please read the ingredients on the bag for yourself and don't just assume like I did that a known name + big price tag = quality food.